Tuesday’s Blog – Kick back, relax and enjoy!
Proverbs 24:30-34 – I went by the field of the slothful and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; and, lo, it was all grown over with thorns. And nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down. Then I saw and considered it well: I looked upon it and received instruction. Yet a little sleep a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall thy poverty come as one that travels; and thy want as an armed man.
Bible Challenges and Comments
There are many times since leaving the military that I think of myself as the odd man out! Now please understand you may think this of yourself as well, even if you are a woman. You know we often feel that the world around us is normal while we seem to be a step or two behind the winning team. Here is a small example of what I mean. When a submarine is under water the air has a distinct smell at first then after a few hours the brain tells you that its normal and life goes on. Bring the ship to periscope depth after a week or two and let in the fresh air from outside; and
Wow! Does that air stink! That was my reaction to “fresh air” the first time I had the opportunity to smell it. I did not know we had gone to periscope depth and was taking on fresh air. All the old salts laughed at my comment and I thought once again, I am the odd man out. Also another interesting thing happened to me at that first time on a submarine. Once the ship returned to port and I was able to leave for a while, I went for a walk. I walked for hours through the countryside in Spain.
Blue skies, rolling hills with cattle and only a few houses; it seemed as though the LORD God had placed me in a very peaceful place, there were no vehicles on the road so I could enjoy the scenery without the worry of traffic. Praising and thanking the LORD for His wonderful Creation. Colors, smells, breezes and a host of other natural things were taking up and occupying my mind along with prayerful worship. Prayer and worship are very important!
The leaders of our church are looking into worship and music these days and I am praising the LORD for this. If you look steadfastly at the liberties that churches take these days at things adopted as “music and worship” you might just see the example of Proverbs 24:30-34 staring back. Go ahead and say it! Jesse you are just a critical old man, what do you know? I will be first to explain; I do not know as I ought to, but then again neither do you so stop it, do as you ought to and smell the roses instead of the thorns.
I once read a book concerning a man who came to the United States from Russia. He was excited to come as having heard of so many churches and believers who were “on fire” for the LORD. He said he anticipated the whole country as one flowing with milk and honey. After arriving and travelling around the country he found that his thoughts of a strong believing community were unfounded. His comment was; “I cannot find one serious believer in any of the churches I’ve visited”.
I pray that churches in the United States will return to God since most are nothing more than entertainment centers focused on bring people in to fleece them of their finances and to place them to work in religious ministries. These also teach that God is Love without teaching the justice of God and His Righteous standards of abiding in Christ. Of course these churches entertain everyone with music that resembles the world, rather than psalms and hymns and spiritual songs that make a melody of grace and spiritual thoughts enter the listing ones ear. Ephesians 5:19
If you believe your sins are forgiven and that Jesus is the LAMB, if you believe that your citizenship is in heaven and that Jesus is the LORD, if you believe that Jesus is the LIGHT who directs your path. Then do this my fellow brother or sister. Go for a walk and look at your surroundings. Pray that God will restore this nation, its churches and its people. We have material, physical and spiritual poverty expanding in leaps and bounds in this country. The prowlers and the bandits are increasing in number.
In the next few years this nation will face major changes, God is willing to treat us as He treated Nineveh; see the book of Jonah. Jonah is not a fairytale and neither is the city called Nineveh. From Thompson’s chain reference Bible a quote. “4400 – NINEVEH, the famed capital of the ancient Assyrian empire, was located 280 miles north of Babylon on the eastern bank of the Tigris River that would be just across the river from modern day Mosul. Nineveh was called the “Robber City” because it overran and robbed other countries to enrich itself”. While the United States at the present time does not overrun other countries to rob, we do within these broken down walls overrun our schoolyards and we plunder. We invade the privacy of each other and we insult one another with promises that are absolutely absurd. We need to stop or face the same judgment that God offered to Nineveh, like Nineveh we need to repent!
Hebrews 9:28 - so Christ was offered to bear the sins of many, and unto them that look for Him shall He appear a second time without sin unto salvation. Jesse <><
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